Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Thieving Kansans

The following Union correspondence highlights the difficulties between Missourians and Kansans. Whether in the 1850s during the Missouri-Kansas Border Wars or during the 1860s (or now in college sports), "Jayhawkers" have long been a thorn-in-the-side for Missourians of all political allegiances.

Headquarters. First Calvary Missouri State Militia,
Warrensburg, Mo., January 26, 1864.

General E.B. Brown,
Commanding Central District of Missouri:

General: I have the honor to state that Captain Meredith reports that a detachment of his command have recaptured a part of the property taken by the Kansas men in LaFayette, viz, 2 horses and a wagon, and have returned the same to the owner, a widow lady by the name of Robinson.

James McFerran,
Colonel First Cavalry, Missouri State Militia,
Comdg. Third Sub-Dist. of Central Dist. of Missouri.


  • United States War Department. "War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series I Volume XXXIV Part II." Washington: Government Printing Office, 1891.

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