Sunday, January 9, 2011

Fire creates State Icon

Those familiar with the University of Missouri campus in Columbia associate certain events, building, and landmarks with the first public university west of the Mississippi River; Faurot Field; Reactor Field; Hearnes Center; anytime the Jayhawks leave town defeated; Jesse Hall. But arguably the most iconic symbol of the University of Missouri came into existence unintentionally.

Constructed began in 1840 and by 1843 Academic Hall was a three-story domed building. Built from brick fired on site, Academic Hall's portico had six columns made of limestone quarried nearby. As the first university building erected, Academic Hall not only housed classrooms but also administrative offices.

On January 9, 1892 the Athenean Literary Society was assembling when the chapel's chandelier fell from the ceiling. This was the first sign that a fire was burning within the structure between two floors. The fire, blamed on faulty electrical wiring, destroyed Academic Hall leaving only the six portico columns.

In August 1893 the Board of Curators voted to remove the columns. Public and Alumni support helped save the columns and after determining the column's foundation was safe, the Board of Curators voted in December 1893 to leave the columns standing. Francis Quadrangle, or simply "The Quad" was created.

The portico columns of Academic Hall have stood for 170 years since the university began. In 1949 the current square bases were added to provide additional support. In June 2010, preventive work on the bases began; while hairline cracks were found in the 1949 bases, it was determined no structural issues currently existed with either the original or 1949 bases. Structural analysis concluded that the January 9, 1892 fire caused more harm in one day than the combined effects of man and weather since.

  • Mizzou Alumni Association. “Mizzou Lore” Accessed January 8, 2011.
  • Mizzou Alumni Association. “The University of Missouri: A Proud Beginning” Accessed January 8, 2011.
  • MU News Bureau. “Columns' Bases to Be Repaired” Accessed January 8, 2011.
  • Univeristy of Missouri. “History of the Columns” Accessed January 8, 2011.

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